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Effective Strategies for Growing Your Pay-Per-Call Campaign

Although you may have heard about the pay-per-call market and call advertisers, one of your questions may revolve around how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy. How do you build affiliate networks, and how are these calls tracked? As some of the best performance marketers in the industry, the pay-per-call program options at BrokerCalls and our team can provide the resources you need to entice a prospective customer. Below are a few examples of effective strategies that you can use in your pay-per-call program.

Using Paid Search For Your Pay-Per-Call Campaign

One of the most popular ways of developing quality call leads is through a paid search format. To see whether or not this marketing strategy is working, you must find a great tracking platform that you can use to determine whether or not you need to make any changes. Keep in mind that this marketing model is something that may get expensive.

Online Lead Forms

An online click-to-call form may be the best option for you and your business. This targeted marketing campaign makes it easier for a client to connect with you, potentially resulting in a higher call volume.

SEO for Your Pay-Per-Call Campaign

A search engine optimization strategy should always be part of your targeted marketing approach. This will help ensure that your advertising campaign uses the right keywords and generates calls.

Display Ads

Putting together an excellent strategy and finding a way to display ads is a great way to find quality leads. Whether you’re in the auto or health insurance industry, you may find great success in promoting your call traffic through these ads.

Social Media

Nowadays, more and more potential customers are turning to social media to help boost their call traffic. These quality leads can help to lead to a significant boom in your business. A good rule of thumb is doing homework and learning more about our target audience. For example, if you’re in the real estate industry, you may find that a social media campaign may be better for you when it comes to finding qualifying calls. You may want to invest in running a Facebook ad as long as you’re willing to pay a certain amount of money not only when it comes to getting started but also to maintaining these ads that will hit your target audience.


Although putting together an online marketing strategy can help you when it comes to generating calls, sometimes the old-fashioned way of promoting your business can also help. If you’re concerned about your ad spending, you may want to spend more time discussing your business with prospective customers.

Are you ready to start putting together an advertising campaign? The pay-per-call marketing experts at BrokerCalls are here to help you. We encourage you to get in touch with us today so that we can help you to grow your business. We offer pay-per-call marketing strategies which can be personalized to suit your business needs. For example, we can help you develop a plan that will put you in direct contact with potential leads via a live transfer option. Of course, if it’s easier for you, we can always develop a strategy that gives you the flexibility to reach out to these potential clients around your own unique schedule. If you want more information about our personalized marketing strategies, we recommend you give us a call today at (855) 268-3773 or visit us on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, and Instagram to get started on your new marketing plan.


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