Tips for generating auto leads |

New car sales were down almost 2 percent in the year 2019, and will likely take a similar dip this year. If you’re an automobile dealership, this means that you’ll need to work a bit harder to get customers to walk in the door. Generating car leads today by calling Broker Calls at 855.268.3773. Obtaining new auto leads requires approaches to help deal with the slowdown, and with the way, car buyers spend about half their car-buying time on online research. They only tend to spend about 10 percent of their car-buying time actually visiting dealerships. Buyers have all the information that they need before they ever set foot in a dealership, and have mostly made up their minds about what specific model they want.

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How do you deal with the shift in consumer power, and generate auto leads for new customers? Certainly, the tried and tested methods of cold calling and direct mail still work. You might even try buying lists of leads and emailing them to see if you get any responses. Lead lists, however, tend to mostly consist of unvetted email addresses. You may have lots of people unsubscribe and report you as a spammer. It’s a better idea to generate leads yourself, in an organic way.

Begin with your website

Nearly every car buyer visits the website of at least one dealership before heading in. Making your dealership’s website a rewarding visit can help. Your website should be mobile-responsive, include clear contact information, and clear calls to action. People usually visit dealership websites for vehicle information. They could get this information elsewhere, however; if they are to stay on your website, you need to make the information easy to acquire. It can help to prepare your website in the following ways.

Get Google Analytics

You can make better marketing decisions when you have Google Analytics. The tool can provide you with important information about the keywords that visitors leverage to reach your site, the geographical locations from which they visit, the websites that they arrive from, the pages on your website that are the most popular with them, and so on.

Perform SEO

When people look for car information, search engine optimization can help them find your site. It can be a valuable source of car leads. Search engines like Google verify that a website offers high-quality information before they list them near the top for relevant keywords. Creating unique, relevant content of genuine value to your visitors can help. You also need to make sure that you have your customers review you on Google and other directories.

Get chat functionality

Allowing visitors to text-chat with dealership representatives on the website is a proven way of engaging visitors. It’s possible to obtain a steady stream of auto leads (call 855.268.3773), simply by putting a quality chat feature on your website.

Focus on quality content

Quality, relevant content can be a great way to attract buyers. If you don’t have a blog or vlog on your dealership’s website, you should start one immediately, and make sure that you put information there that people actually want to know. Since people have shorter attention spans than ever before, videos can attract more people to engage with your content, than text.

Get on social media

One in three car buyers looks through social media to gather information prior to purchase. Social media marketing can help you convert those people into car leads. Not only do you need to advertise on social media, but you also need to post great graphics, great videos, be pro-active bringing up interesting topics of conversation, and answer questions.

Other methods work, as well. Trying pay-per-click advertising on the search engines for the specific phrases that your customers use, rather than short, general-purpose keywords (like a car dealership or Toyota cars) can be worthwhile, and cost-effective. It’s also important to invest in building email lists organically and sending out quality newsletters and offers.

Engaging fully in every area of building car leads can be an activity that rewards quickly and generously. You do need to commit to the activity, however.

To learn more about how Broker Calls can help you with your car leads, contact us today at 855.268.3773. Find us on social media Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.


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