Network and End Buyers

Network and End Buyers

What Is a Pay Per Call Network? How Does It Work?  

A pay per call network provides companies with a platform to build pay per call marketing campaigns to facilitate interaction between publishers and advertisers. The pay per network’s system can screen phone calls and then route them to the appropriate advertiser, enabling the publisher to drive interested consumers to the advertiser to boost sales. This relationship between a pay per call network and end buyers can produce plentiful results if matched appropriately. 

Partnering with pay per call network buyers such as BrokerCalls gives you the flexibility to continue to focus on the various aspects of your company. Instead of wasting time cold calling clients you think may be interested in your services, you can spend your time selling to clients interested in closing the deal now.  

When you work with our team at BrokerCalls, you can decide to receive your inquiries from potential clients in one of two ways. The first is to answer these calls in real-time, while the second gives you the option to talk to customers around your schedule. Regardless of which one you select, interested customers will go through a specific screening process with a BrokerCalls team member.  

This screening process will be specific to your requirements. A possible client goes through the screening process and meets your standards, and we will pass through their information to you so you can either talk to them on the spot or at a particular time.  

What Is an End Buyer?  

If you are a business owner and follow through with purchasing specific phone leads, you are considered an end buyer. One of the leading benefits of being one of the end buyers who works with BrokerCalls is that you can rest assured you will only ever receive leads from clients interested in learning more about your product. BrokerCalls has a long history of working with end buyers from the following industries:  

  • Home services  
  • Legal field  
  • Travel  
  • Insurance  
  • Financial  

As industry professionals, we understand the importance of working with the right affiliates to find you with quality phone lead options. We are always happy to take the time to explain our process to you, so you feel comfortable moving forward with BrokerCalls as one of our end buyers.  

The Benefits of Working with BrokerCalls Who Has Relationships with Both  

It’s no secret that running a business entails numerous challenges. One of the constant concerns among business owners involves maintaining and building their client base. The BrokerCalls team helps to ease your worries regarding this understandable concern. We supply you with quality consumer phone leads that will allow you to sell and promote the service or goods that your company has to offer.  

Why BrokerCalls Has Relationships with Both Network and End Buyers

The BrokerCalls team prides itself on maintaining relationships with both pay per call networks and end buyers. Our goal is to provide you with the unique leads you need to help your business grow. We take the time to learn more about your business goals, so you have every opportunity to capitalize on the phone leads we will supply you. Are you ready to learn more about how BrokerCalls and how the network buyers process can help you develop your business? Give us a call today at (855) 268-3773 to learn more. You can also reach us on TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn.  

Sean d'Oliveira
Sean d'Oliveira
After graduating from the University of North Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, Sean d’Oliveira began his career in journalism. After a decade in the industry, Sean transitioned into the world of digital marketing in 2017, where he honed his online marketing skills and copywriting expertise for various clients.

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