affiliate marketing

A Way to Make Sure Calls are Fresh and Relevant

A comprehensive online marketing plan can involve numerous marketing channels and strategies to get the kind of results that make the investment worth your time. While the goal is to drive new customers and calls to your business, oftentimes, managing your own marketing campaign ends up not giving your business the kind of new business it wants to see.

An effective marketing campaign needs time to mature and constant work and money to try and get new calls through to your sales team. At BrokerCalls, we provide you with a way to bypass the normal marketing channels and essentially take advantage of a vast affiliate marketing program as well as our own mature online marketing campaigns.

Instead of doing all of the marketing legwork yourself with potentially poor return on investment, we can provide your business with motivated new customers. You will receive fresh and relevant calls that are exclusively sold through our call broker system. You’re able to take advantage of extensive marketing strategies and get to what you really want: motivated and qualified phone leads.

10 Things Affiliate Marketing Can Do for Businesses

One of the ways that we drive business to your company is through our extensive affiliate marketing program. Affiliate marketing at its core is about extending your audience reach. Our affiliate marketing program helps us to drive significant qualified phone leads to our customer’s businesses. BrokerCalls’s affiliate marketing network can be a powerful tool for your business growth and thanks to our rigid and meticulous vetting system, the calls you receive from potential customers are motivated, qualified, and exclusively sold.

The main benefits of our affiliate marketing network that your business can take advantage of include:

· No additional cost: One of the advantages of our affiliate marketing network is that it poses no additional costs to you as a phone lead buyer, improving ROI.

· Low risk/no risk: Your business only pays for qualified calls that pass a certain time-based threshold, giving you exceptionally low-risk phone leads.

· Highly targeted leads: Our affiliate marketers qualify each call and the calls are categorized by our call tracking software which then matches business profiles with customer needs giving your business highly targeted leads that are ready to convert to sales.

·  Gives you a competitive advantage: Our affiliate marketers scour every inch of the internet and explore every sales angle to give your business a competitive advantage over traditional forms of marketing while still keeping to marketing regulations.

· Exceptional ROI: Since you are only paying for calls that pass a threshold and the calls you receive are matched to your company profile, you can enjoy an exceptional ROI, helping your business grow.

· Actionable reporting: Our call tracking software combined with dedicated client service teams give you unparalleled insight into various aspects of your calls received from affiliate marketers, giving you actionable reporting when you want it.

· Exclusive leads: At BrokerCalls, we only sell calls exclusively from all of our sources including affiliate marketers. Your business will be first in line to talk to motivated customers who are actively seeking your services or products.

· Increased sales inquiries: One of the main benefits of our affiliate marketing network for businesses like yours is that you will receive a significant increase in sales inquiries from the calls that are sent by our network.

· Brand building: Our affiliate marketers will be working hard to spread awareness of your brand in a positive, approved way, helping to boost your brand reputation and brand building.

· Flexibility: Your business won’t have to worry about or dedicate a great deal of time and money to marketing with the flood of phone leads coming in daily, giving you more flexibility to focus on sales, expansion, and other important operations within your business.

Exceed Your Affiliate Marketing Expectations with Help from BrokerCalls

BrokerCalls has built an extensive affiliate marketing network that your business can take advantage of. By partnering with BrokerCalls, your business can see an expanded marketing reach, boost brand awareness, a significant increase in phone leads that are received at times that best suit you, and an excellent ROI.

Call BrokerCalls today and cut out the time and money investment into traditional forms of marketing that haven’t been giving you the ROI your business needs to grow and thrive. 

Sean d'Oliveira
Sean d'Oliveira
After graduating from the University of North Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, Sean d’Oliveira began his career in journalism. After a decade in the industry, Sean transitioned into the world of digital marketing in 2017, where he honed his online marketing skills and copywriting expertise for various clients.

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